Do multiple cameras in smartphone matter?

In 2016 Apple’s smartphone launch event, the trillion dollar company started a trend of having multiple cameras in a smartphone by announcing 2 cameras or dual cameras on their iPhone 7 plus, and from then it all came along and by the end of 2016 and beginning of 2017, every other smartphone manufacturer provided 2 or even more than 2 cameras in their smartphones. The idea of dual cameras was to provide the user maximum optical zoom but still have good quality photos. 


Why multiple cameras?


Every other smartphone manufacture is putting multiple cameras, dual camera has some certain importance in the photography world.
Multi-Camera production uses more than the one camera, using more than one camera has its advantages.
Using multi-camera allows people to: 

#Cover more area as there are more cameras, which means wider angle for photographs

#Click awesome portrait shots as there is a depth sensing camera which blurs out the background and give beautiful looking portraits

#Some smartphones also support 2x or 4x optical zooming. Thanks to multiple cameras.

WHY do these manufacturers add multiple cameras?


\\The “More cameras, more quality” approach

Most manufacturers think that the number of cameras the will add, the more amount of image quality they will get. Which is totally crap approach, why? I’ll explain later.

\\Multiple cameras have become nothing but a marketing strategy now.

Most of the smartphone firms use multiple cameras to attract more audience, although their cameras are not worth the time and money, but they get attraction in the smartphone market and many people
Purchase it only by getting influenced by the number of cameras.


Single Cameras over multiple cameras

So far, I personally love single camera smartphone, they are clean looking, no crowded back panel and super handy.
When we talk about dual cameras, the most initial thing which strike inside our heads is the face that they are capable of taking some fabulous looking portrait shots. But do multiple camera provide the BEST portrait shots?
Google pixel is Google’s beast in the smartphone market, especially in the camera factor. Google’s pixel phones do not use multiple cameras to click portrait, rather they have their own artificial intelligence which detects the object whether it being a person, animal, nature or anything and then makes a portrait out of it. Which of course results in most fantastic portrait shots.
Having AI to click pictures is better than depending on hardware.

By observing this, it’s safe to say that Google pixel phones have the best cameras in the entire smartphone market *at least better than iPhones*
So, the best smartphone camera is of the smartphone which has only ONE camera. And the smartphones which are having multiple cameras still lack to give the awesome image quality of that of pixel’s. 




It’s 2019 and we are seeing Penta-cameras (5 cameras) now! Like in Nokia 9 PureView, or the quad-cameras (4 cameras) in the Samsung A9. Which of course click some great looking photos but the Google Pixel 3 and 3xl which got released in 2018 still click better photos.

To conclude this, I wanna say that it’s not only hardware like number of cameras or high amount of megapixels, it’s about a bond between the software and the hardware. If the hardware and software work with a balance, the machine is capable of doing everything better. If one of them is overpowered, their balance will be disturbed which will result in not the best performance.

It’s upon your interest whether you like overpowered megapixels or high amount of cameras or you like clean and single camera.

I hope you like this blog, if you did leave your opinions in the comments section and share this to a smartphone photographer!


  1. I love your knowledge about smart phones and so fantastic.I have no words to say


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