Cyber Security

We are living in the 21st century and here it is not possible to survive without technology. Technology is something everyone should be aware of and has access to. But is technology is being used in the right way? No!
“Cybercrime”, you must have come across this term earlier. Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is used to perform crimes with other computer system or servers, for e.g.: hacking, Phishing, spamming etc.
The problem of cybercrime is mostly among teenagers of 13-18 years. These teenagers underestimate cybercrimes it is a problem which can destroy lives and take away your respect in society or even results as suicide sometimes. Cyberbullying is also a major problem among children. When a teen gets hacked He/She tries to hide that from his/her parents. The real problem starts then. If you are not letting your parent help you, No one in the world can help you.

Cybercrime is not only found among teens, but adults can be the victim of cybercrime. The most unusual problem among adults is spamming or phishing. What happens in these cases is the victim receives a message from the spammer who asks for the credit card or debit card number or OTP to the source and gives his/her details to the spammer, this further results in bankruptcy.

According to ‘Go-Gulf web technologies’ every year 556 million people become a victim of cyber-crime. Which means that 1.5 million victims per day and 18 victims per second! Isn’t this fact astonishing, that out of every 10 persons 1 individual is a victim of cybercrime? Every year 2 million children commit suicide because of cyber-bullying or other cybercrime.

Now the question arises, How to stop cybercrime? Well that is what we have derived the term ‘Cybersecurity’
Cybersecurity means the prevention of cyber attacks and to develop new methods to make the technology safer than ever.
The cybersecurity experts in big IT companies like Google, Facebook etc. Have the responsibility to make their own company’s platform more a safer place. Cybersecurity workers are one of the few heroes in society. As a wise man said:
“You don’t need a mask to make a difference”
These people protect us and our privacy behind our vision.
Here are some tips to be safe on the internet:

Ø Never use public or open Wi-Fi, I repeat Never!

You don’t know who is behind that network. One can gain access to your device by just coming in your network.

Ø Do not share your phone number or any other details to unknown

Don’t let others know your details, Keep’em private.

Ø Do not save passwords in your browser

You don’t know if your friend will take your device for moments and will gain access to your 

Ø Keep your softwares and OS up-to-date

To get security patches regularly.

Ø Use a trusted anti-virus

Like Kaspersky or MacAfee

Ø Try to change your passwords periodically

Like in every 2-3 months update your password

Apply these 6 methods and you will become resistant almost to any cyber-attack

-Tanishq Kumar Kaushal


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