Why your smartphone radiation does NOT harm you

“Unless you’re a male rat bathing in cellphone radiation, you should be fine” Expert says

We are living in 21st Century, and here smartphone is a necessity. Back in 2000’s when Smartphone 
were just a choice, now have become a basic need. Just think yourself, Can you survive or do your daily tasks without a smartphone? Only by having these thoughts makes me uncomfortable. But like everything has pros, also has cons. Same with modern smartphones, once in your life you must have noticed someone talking about how smartphone radiations can give you severe problems like brain cancer.
To know about radiation emitted by smartphones, we need to know about radiations.
Radiations are of 2 types:

1. Radiofrequency radiation 
2.    Ionizing radiation

Radiofrequency radiation, this is the radiation emitted by modern smartphones and is super lower than ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation is the one emitted by x-ray machines or nuclear fallouts.
Talking about smartphones, the radiation emitted by smartphones is measured in SAR values.

It means “Specific Absorption Rate”. The proper definition could be like this-“It is a value which tells how much mobile radiations are entering your body.” It is measured in power per unit mass i.e. W/KG (watt per kg) and the reading is taken in a specific amount of time. So this takes a reading of how much energy is being absorbed by the human tissue.
There are 2 ways of measuring SAR values, one is followed by India and USA, the other one is adopted by Europe.
In India, the SAR value can’t go beyond 1.6 W/kg and in Europe, the limit’s 2 W/kg. Now this doesn’t means that European smartphones emit more radiation, the method of calculating the SAR value is different in Europe and India/USA
Now talking about India, any SAR value below 1.6 is measured SAFE for humans, and moreover the smartphones are not permitted to be released in India which has a value above 1.6 W/kg.
SAR values only exist to ensure that no device emits more radiation.
It depends on
1.       The broadband service you are using,
2.       The technology (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G (yes 5G!))
3.       Your distance from the cell phone tower

Are smartphones completely harmless?
Well, NO!
You must have noticed that in the areas where there is low network, your smartphone’s battery drain faster. That’s because your device tries to search for signals for which it increases its range, and when range increases, more power is used and eventually phone emits more radiation. In that case, only in that case your smartphone’s radiation is harmful for you.

In conclusion, if your smartphone’s radiation doesn’t affect your health at all, but a little bit makes a more. If you don’t give a break to yourself from your phone, it might affect and can do some severe damages to your health like:
  • Headache
  • Brain Tumor
  • Mental Sickness
  • Cancerous Problems
  • Losing Fertility in males
  • Eyes strain
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